Macros and Templates for CFD Meshing
Glyph, the Tcl-based scripting language in the Fidelity Pointwise mesh generation software for computational fluid dynamics (CFD), offers the ability to automate all or part of the CFD meshing process.
You can find all of the available Glyph scripts on our profile page, If you are a GitHub user, subscribe to your favorite scripts to receive updates on development progress or new version information. Fork scripts and modify the code to create new projects. Who knows, we may merge your changes back into our master branch. Enjoy!
We welcome new script authors and contributors! Either submit a new script or fork an existing project on GitHub. Please be sure to include sample files so we can experiment with the script before posting or merging your code.
If you don't have a GitHub account, that's alright. Just email your script to and include:
Want to learn more about scripting? Be sure to visit our website and keep an eye out for upcoming webinars, videos, and training.
You can also visit the Glyph manual pages for a comprehensive list of all the Fidelity Pointwise functions available through Glyph.